Financial Aid Workshops- Coming Soon
If you are a newly enrolled or prospective newly enrolled family facing financial challenges that may deter you from enrolling your child in the childcare your family may need, please attend Global’s workshops on how to obtain financial resources! These workshops will be announced in the near future and will include topics such as some of the following:
How to properly acquire subsidies or grants for your child
How to get help enrolling in subsidies or grants for your child
How to get your child enrolled in vouchers
Please stay tuned to receive more notifications regarding the following workshops if this is of interest to you. Don’t let your financial setbacks get in the way of your day-to-day life or your child’s ability to learn and play in a safe environment!

10-Day Learning Hubs
Global Children’s Center is here to provide care during an Emergency Closure 10-Day Learning Hub Program. Here at Global Children’s Center, we understand the burden that sudden changes in school schedules can have on two-working parent households. We also understand the immense toll that sudden COVID-19 changes can have on families. For this reason, as a part of the 10-Day Learning Hub Program, Global Children’s Center will scholarship its families to help pay for the additional unplanned days during which school closures have been announced. Please read the following information carefully as it is vital for your knowledge:
Learning Hubs Information
Please note that while the program follows the 10-Day period that schools have announced their closures for, child care is only being provided on SCHOOL days, meaning that weekends are not accounted for. The following days for which care is being provided for this program are listed below:
Thursday, January 20th (waived in full)
Friday, January 21st (waived in full)
Monday, January 24th (partially waived)
Tuesday, January 25th (partially waived)
Wednesday, January 26th (partially waived)
Thursday, January 27th (partially waived)
Friday, January 28th (partially waived)
*These dates correspond to the initial 14-day school closure. As listed in the FAQ section of this webpage, the dates are subject to change in accordance with MCPS regulations and unforeseen school closures. Please use the following information as a guide but take a look at frequently asked question #4 for more information*
As a part of this short-term program, Global Children’s Center is fully waiving the costs of child care on Thursday, January 20th and on Friday, January 21st. Again, If you are a currently enrolled family wishing to enroll your child in Global’s 10-Day Learning Hub Program, you will not be charged for the first two days as aforementioned. Please note that the waiving policies being applied are exclusively applicable to currently enrolled families wishing to enroll their child for the FULL duration of this program. If you wish to enroll your child for only a few days of the program, you will pay the daily $45 flat rate of full-day care as associated with Global’s normal flat rate. Please see the cost breakdown and the frequently asked questions for more information.

Cost Breakdown
The normal weekly (7-day) rate for before & after care is as follows:
The following rates are taken from Global’s REGULAR before and after care rate for 7-days of full child care:

Upon enrolling your child in Global’s 10-Day Learning Hub Program, Global Children’s Center would waive (through scholarshipping) the following:
Before Care Price for 5 Days
After Care Price for 5 Days
Additional Fees for 2 Extra Days (01/20 and 01/21)
As a result, your total payment for the 7-days of full child care would be $225. Please see the visuals below for further explanation.
Adjusted (7-day) rate for Learing Hub care is as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is a Learning Hub? What is the purpose of them?
Learning Hubs are temporary safe spaces for students who need adult supervision and a safe building environment during the hours of virtual learning. The hubs are designed specifically to support families who do not have other childcare options during the shift to virtual. Learning Hubs are supported by the Children's Oppurtunity Fund and are open to MCPS students in grades PreK-5.
2. Who is responsible for selecting students for participation in the hubs?
School leadership will coordinate with School Wellness Teams, Counselors, PCCs, and PPWs to generate a master list of priority students who should be referred to the learning hubs in the event of a closure. If a school shifts into virtual instruction, School Wellness Teams will mobilize and make direct contact with families immediately to share registration information for learning hubs. School administration will share learning hub information with the larger school community through virtual learning letter, website, and ConnectED messaging.
3. Will every school have a Learning Hub?
No, learning hubs are available on a limited basis at elementary schools with childcare providers that already operate within the building. The availability is based on the number of additional seats that are available. Note- all childcare centers have been given approval to operate during virtual learning.
4. When will the Learning Hubs start?
The start time may vary by school site. The expected start date should be between 24-48 hours of shifting to virtual. For example, if a school moves to virtual on Wednesday-Learning Hub students report on Friday. Note-Please note this applies to students in the learning hub, not students enrolled in pre- existing childcare within school buildings.
5. What is Global's role as a Learning Hub provider?
Learning Hub Providers will manage the classrooms operating as Learning Hubs. This includes managing and ensuring any Covid Safety Protocols such as taking student temperatures, ensuring that masks are worn, reporting any students suspected of having Covid and any other requirements in place by MCPS. Additionally, Providers will staff the Learning Hubs and assist students throughout the day, assist students
in connecting to their virtual lessons, take attendance, and report on the progress of the students. Attendance needs to be submitted everyday by noon, through an online google form. Also, each provider is responsible for entering data into the attendance spreadsheet about each student’s level of engagement during the day.
6. How long will the Learning Hubs operate?
Equity Hubs operations are based on the availability of funding and at the discretion of MCPS. Currently, school closures are for 10 days, so that is the current length of Equity Hub operations per site.
7. Do I still have to pay my full tuition even if my child does not sign up for Global Children’s Center’s 10-Day learning hubs?
Yes, If you do not want to come at all during this closure, you will just be subject to the normal tuiotion fees per our COVID-19 policy. As a reminder, our COVID-19 policy states that Global Children's Center will only waive tuition for 14-Day emergency school closures. This will be subject to change based on current guidlines regarding 10 and 14 day emergency closures from MCPS.
8. If my child is currently enrolled in Global Children’s Center’s before and aftercare program and I want my child to attend Global’s 10-day Emergency Closure learning hubs, what do I need to do?
If your child is currently enrolled and you would like to ensure their spot in the 10-day Emergency Closure Learning Hubs, please fill out the google form below and email your director to let them know. Director contact information is listed at the bottom of this page!
9. Do I have to pay a new tuition rate or fee since the hours have changed to 8:30 AM-5:30 PM during Global’s 10-day Emergency Closure Learning Hubs?
Yes, you will be paying the $45 daily drop in fee for five days excluding the two days Global Children’s Center is waiving under their scholarship. (Please see rate adjustment visuals for more details).
10. Does my child need to bring anything to Global’s Learning Hubs?
Yes, ​your child should bring the following items: ​
Extra masks
Water bottle
Hand Sanitizer
Your child’s Google Chromebook
Login in formation for Chromebook

11. What should I be doing about COVID-19?
Along with following the general guidelines listed in Global Children’s Center COVID-19 policies, you should also continue monitoring your child for any COVID-19 symptoms on a daily basis. If your child has something even as mild as an occasional sniffle, please contact your director immediatley.
12. If I am currently on a sibling discount or MCPS discounetd tuition rate, will it still apply to the adjutsed 10-day Learning Hub rate?
Yes, if you are currently enrolled to receive any sort of discounted rate, your discount will still apply to the learning hub rates.
13. Where will Learning Hubs operate?
Learning Hubs will operate in selected Montgomery County Public Schools. Schools that will operate as Learning Hubs will be identified by MCPS.
Yes, if you would like for your child to only attend Global Learning Hubs on 1/20/2022 and 1/21/2022, you will pay the $45 daily drop-in rate as the first two days that are being waived are exclusively applied to families enrolled in the full 10-day emergency closure program.
14. If I only want my child to attend the first two days of the emergency closure Learning Hubs (Thursday 1/20 and Friday 1/21), will I still be charged tuition?
15. If I only want my child to attend before care at Global Children's Center, will I still get the adjusted rates?
No, the adjusted rates will only apply to those who are attending full daycare as associated with the Learning Hub schedule. If you wish to keep your child in just before care, normal rates will apply. As school closures take the child care provider community by storm, it is integral to note that we are doing everything we can to keep a financially feasible and reasonable system. With that being said, policies at Global Children Center outline that adjusted rates will only apply to Learning Hub programs (full daycare).
16. When will my charges be added to my profile for Learning Hubs?
Your charges will be added to your profile at the end of every Learning Hub program. If for some reason your school undergoes another 14-day school closure, another round will be added at a later time.
Director Contact Information
Gaithersburg Elementary School
Tiffany Amaya