Health and Safety
The health of our staff and students is our top priority, and we will continue implementing our safety measures to keep everyone healthy and comfortable.

What are we doing?
Additional Measures
We also have some other measures to ensure that we can continue to operate at our locations in a safe and healthy way.
Mandatory Vaccinations for all Staff
Touchless Temperature Checks
Daily Staff Health Screenings
Staff COVID Training
Coordination with Local Health Department, CDC, and MD state Department of Education
Hand Sanitizer Stations at Every Site
Covid-19 Policies
Due to the unprecedented territory of COVID-19, our policies and procedures will be constantly updating and evolving. Please continue to give us your valuable feedback in order to provide you with the best services.
Exclusion and Closure:
Closure of a Global Children's Center program is based on CDC and Maryland Department of Health/Maryland State Department of Education guidance, done in consultation with the local health department, Montgomery County Disease Control, and in coordination with corresponding licensing specialists.
This is NOT an exhaustive list of circumstances where a Global program will close.
Parents are expected to report illness within their household, children, and themselves during drop-off/pick-up to help inform decisions related to site closure. Global Children's Center monitors absences among children and staff according to CDC guidance.
When does Global decide to close or quarantine our program?
Global decides to close and/or quarantine "close contacts" in the following two situations:
There is a person (child care staff, child, or another person) with LABORATORY CONFIRMED COVID-19 OR with COVID-19-LIKE ILLNESS who was present in the childcare program building within the 2 days prior to developing COVID-19 symptoms or while symptomatic, AND had close contact as defined by the CDC, with program staff and/or children
There is a person (child care staff, child, or another person) with LABORATORY CONFIRMED COVID-19 who is ASYMPTOMATIC, was present in the child care program building, AND had close contact as defined by the CDC, with program staff and/or children.
For the purposes of this guidance, COVID-19-LIKE ILLNESS is defined as New-onset cough or shortness of breath OR At least 2 of the following: fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, shivering, muscle pain, sore throat, headache, loss of sense of taste or smell, and gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea).
NOTE: If the person with confirmed COVID-19 or COVID-19-like illness is a parent (or another household member) of a Global child and their only close contact with the Global staff and/or children was with their own child, the program may not be required to close if the affected parent’s child is asymptomatic.
When will Global reopen?
The length of time for closure should be determined by the local health department, Montgomery County Disease Control, in consultation with Global's licensing specialists.
Closure may be shortened, and Global may be able to reopen if a person with symptoms of COVID-19 is tested for COVID-19 and the results are negative.
Closure may be longer, contingent on guidance from the CDC, MSDE, Montgomery County DOH, and other local health agencies.
Reopening decisions and approvals are made on a case-by-case basis with direct guidance from the health department.
When will we receive guidance/instruction after a closure?
After consulting with the local health department and our licensing specialist, Global will inform families of the situation and the recommendations provided by the local health department, and the actions to be taken.
How would we be notified about Global closures, guidance, and reopening?
We will communicate closures and reopening with you via email, updates to the Global Children's Center website (for closures lasting longer than 72 hours), text alerts, and social media postings. The website will not always be up to date for closures lasting only 48–72 hours due to how quickly circumstances evolve. In these cases, your center director will be in close communication with you about updates.
Do I get charged tuition if Global is closed due to COVID-19 concerns and will my child’s spot be held?
After the declaration of Covid-19 as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, Global will no longer issue refunds, credits, or early withdrawals from our program. This is because Covid-19 and its consequences are no longer unforeseen or unexpected.
Symptoms of COVID-19:
Feverish/chills temperature of 100.4 or more
sore throat,
nasal congestion,
runny nose,
new or worsening cough/shortness of breath,
headaches/body aches,
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
loss of taste or smell
What can Global families do?
Keep sick children home.
Check children daily for symptoms prior to leaving home.
Get tested.
Get vaccinated.
Talk to your children about COVID-19.